
GOOD Project Upcoming results

During the GOOD Project's implementation period, a considerable number of outcomes are expected to be available to the interested public.  When each one of them is completed you will be able to access it from here.

The aforementioned results are briefly described below.

Public Deliverables

Below you will find a list of public deliverables, available in English language.


GOOD’s aim is to democratize scientific knowledge by making publicly available the results for the research community. GOOD’s main publications will involve technical articles, scientific publications published in high-impact journals, industry magazines, discussion papers, books.

Practice Abstracts

End-user material will be produced in the form of a number of summaries for practitioners in the EIP common format ("practice abstracts"). Below, you will find a list of practice abstracts that will be made available by M12 and M46.


The GOOD Factsheets are easy-to-adopting concise knowledge and guidelines for a wide range of agroecological weed management strategies. Below, you will find a list of factsheets.